Post Growth Institute Fellowship
Rodney Higgins Best Faculty Paper Award. For the Paper A Black Epistemology for the Social and Solidarity Economy: The Black Social Economy. (Link).
Emerging Scholar Award. African Diaspora Special Interest Group By The Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). A full review of all academic writing. (Link).
York Research Leader. By York University. Named alongside several distinguished colleagues, three years in a row.
Suraj Mal and Shyama Devi Agarwal Book Prize. By The International Association of Feminist Economics. For book - Politicized Microfinance (UTP, 2016).
Co-winner of the WEB DuBois Book Award. By the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. For US. Book award for Politicized Microfinance (UTP, 2016)
Community leadership award from the York South Weston community. By MP Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship for the Government of Canada.
The Outstanding Scholarship Prize Competition. By Women's and Gender Studies/et Recherches Feministes. Honourable Mention.
The Helen Potter Award from the Association of Social Economics, US. By the Allied Social Science Association. For best article in the Review of Social Economy, entitled Big man politics in the Social Economy.
Certificate of Appreciation and Community Award. By MPP Judy Sgro of Humberside-Black Creek. For (SOSC 4046 The Social Economy Practicum) which assisted in the social enterprise development at the Community Learning & Innovation Centre (FLICC) in Jane/Finch.
The Kari Polanyi Levitt Award. By the Canadian Association for the Studies of International Development (CASID). Shortlisted.
Best Teaching Assistant Award. By the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto Scarborough UTSC.
U.S. Fulbright. By the U.S State Department. For examination of the patronage and clientelism in Kingston, Jamaica. At the University of West Indies, Mona campus (John Rapley and Anthony Harriott).